29.01.2011 01:00
If you should ever look up the words „social competence“ on google,do not be surprised if none of the returning results have anything to do withthe ECo-C or any international equivalent; in fact, most should be aboutassessing the ability of young children to make their wishes known in a societyof their peers. If you add the word „adults“ to your search, you will probablywind up with some psychological assessment tests or websites.
At this stage, any reader or viewer would probably be frowning inconfusion: is it dysfunctional to study social competency once one is olderthan 10? Firstly, the answer is: no. Not unless one is trying to learn thingstaught to young children. In truth, from the perspective of the ECo-C, suchresults are misleading, and the question itself, downright erroneous. There isneither reason nor need for worry.
From the first, eco-c.eu hasreiterated that the ECo-C is an innovativecertificate; one that does not have its like elsewhere in Europe, or, judgingby the outcome of a google search, elsewhere in the world. Above all, this explains the lack of results! Beforeit can be found on the first page of any search engine on a search for „social competence“, itneeds to cease being merely innovative, and start being mainstream.
That time will come, of course! In economic terms, the ECo-Cpresently constitutes a monopoly; it is the only source of certification forsocial competency training in Europe. And like any monopoly, eventually, otherindustry workers, observing its success, would start creating emules (or, asthe streetwise might say, „cheap knock-offs“). But that does not changethe fact that it is unique right now,something which a boon for employers and employees alike: rather than having tosort through a dozen "similar"diplomas, they instead know what they are getting in an employee or ina single certification, and can trust the ECo-C quality label in their workforce, ortheir CV.