04.07.2013 11:30
Turkey: The purpose of this campagne is to increase greater access to quality education according to international standards for people. Marmara university and anadolu university want their students to recieve the best possible education. „I am delighted, to have met Prof. Kaiblinger. That was a great chance for me, to actively cooperate and to be a part of the the implementation oft he ECo-C initiative in Asia.“, says Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çakır from the Anadolu University in Eskişehir.
„Alltough our syllabus includes the basics of communication, we see it as an enrichment and as an opportunity for our students to reach the international levels with the ECo-C education standards.“, says Prof. Dr. Cemal Yıldız from the Marmara University in Istanbul.
Atilla Dinçer: „As the advisory council of the commitee for Turks from abroad, they live in Ankara, it is important for me to make sure that primarily young people have the chance to recieve such high quality education to catch up with international levels. They should be able to sustainably develope themselves and prove their skills with an officially recognised certificate. Both of these two factors are making it possible to implement ECo-C in Asia, starting in Turkey. I´m looking forward, to work with the professors."
„We“ is the key-word in our global society. By using effective communication techniques, people can make it easier to understand each other. “One of my most treasured memories was when I spent a day with a diplomat in Uzbekistan. We were not able to communicate via verbal language, but by using non-verbal communication techniques, we actually became very close friends.”, remembers the president of the ECo-C foundation Prof. Leopold Kaiblinger