16.05.2018 12:37
Austria: The subject was not only exciting for the young people. It it also interesting for us to teach contents regarding media education, say both of the ECo-C Social Media Coaches of BFI NÖ.
SMDL – Social Media Driving Licence
By accomplishing the SMDl – Social Media Driving Licence the participants will receive an internationally recognized certificate, which proofs that the person knows about responsible use of social networks and has knowledge about the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR. The advantage of the SMDL – Social Media Driving Licence is the personal added value of knowledge about the use of social networks or new media, which is also a benefit and an assurance for companies regarding legal certainty in proper conduct of employees on social networks.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
The Regulation applies with effect from 25.05.2018 in all european countries. As a result there will be significant changes regarding Data Protection in enterprises and individuals. Under this aspect the Xoneensemble created the sond #datacontrol