08.07.2011 07:30
Personality in Demand
ECo-C Initiative: BestPractice made in Austria
Vienna (IPKeuropePress)
On Monday, 11 July 2011, 13:30h, 1010 Wien, Kärntnerstrasse 4
and in the presence of Rudolf Hundstorfer and of representatives from the Arbeitsmarktservice of Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria, Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Bauer presents the 100.000-page ECo-C intercultural curriculum.
ECo-C Initiative: BEST PRACTICE made in Austria
IPKeurope is the Interest group for personal and communication competency in Europe; with the ECo-C initiative, it has set itself the following goal: to establish the communication certificate ECo-C as the common training standard in the area of social competency, from Austria to Europe and to support lifelong learning thus. And this has been a success.
In addition to Austria, ECo-C training is also available in 101locations in Germany, Slovakia, Romania,Poland and Hungary. Soon,the ECo-C training standards will be taken up by Finlandand Slovenia.
Personality is in Demand
In recent years, the requirementsof the labour market – as in many other areas of life- have gotten more andmore complex. The possibilities, and the potential for employees and employershave changed in a relatively short span of time. Success in an increasinglycompetitive environment is becoming ever harder and requires a commensuratelybroad palette of skills. Employees will not only be measured on their hard skills.Soft skills – personal competency - nowadays make all the difference.
The best training for all people
The ECo-C supplies aninternational standard and a valid certificate which is suited to the complexrequirements of the economy and which offers equal opportunity in training. Morethan 13,800 people in Austriahave come to experience and understand the fundamental concepts ofcommunication, self marketing, conflict management and teamwork through the ECo-C European communication certificate, which is a common international trainingstandard.
Intercultural ECo-C curriculum: makingservices visible
The basis of the internationaltraining standard is the intercultural ECo-C LFQA curriculum. Renowned expertsfrom science and economy came together to develop the high quality curriculumof the ECo-C, with an eye to the requirements of the EQR (European QualificationSystem). Having set transparent study andawareness goals, the intercultural ECo-C curriculum constitutes thefoundation for the ECo-C certification.
The ECo-C is unique in Europe
As the largest European traininginitiative in the field of social competency, the ECo-C seeks to support theinterests of the Austrian and/or European population in a competitive economy.
The representatives of the media are gladly invited toattend.
Please register yourparticipation under the 0676 50 18 254.
We will be pleased to see you and speak with you afterthe official presentation.
For questions, please contact
IPKeurope Präsidium, Karina Kaiblinger / ECo-C coordination
Mobile number: +43 676 9279800, www.ipkeurope.org