03.10.2013 15:30
12 international experts for education from 11 European countries met in Liechtenstein in order to exchange their know-how and experiences on how to improve social skills in the working environment. The conference was initiated by the Liechtensteiner Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten, organised by ARBEITSLEBEN.LI and co-funded by CEDEFOP - the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Social skills and social competence gain more and more importance and increase employability significantly. Hence, good concepts, measures and best practices on how to improve a person's social competence are of high relevance for Europe's ability to grow economically and compete on the global market.
ECo-C as an internationally valid and quality assured certification programe for communication and social competence perfectly meets those demands and requirements of the working environment.
That is why ECo-C was also on the agenda of the conference. The experts experienced ECo-C live by attending an ECo-C demo-seminar held by Attila Dincer and were enthusiastic about the certification programe.