01.10.2010 10:19
Thus far,many of our articles have dealt with the interest of the ECo-C to the businessworld, which, if we are honest, is only a fraction of the larger framework ofhumanity. A very important fraction, granted: the business world, jobs andprofessions essentially provide individuals with a living, and thus affectpractically every aspect of their lives. The early socialist movement sought toimpose that the day be divided between 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8hours of free time.
Beyond thebusiness world, there is the rest: the things that provide the infrastructureof human life, and which affect the way individuals conduct theirs. At theforefront thereof are politics and politicians, and it is with no smallamusement that we can note how important the goals of the ECo-C are to apolitician’s success.
It isobvious that they must be masters of self-marketing: each individual candidate,and indeed each party, must have his, her, or its specific messages and slogansand be attractive to the voter through them. „Yes we can“is one such slogan,one such proof of successful self-marketing, which in itself sufficed to carrya certain candidate all the way to a presidential seat.
Yet noslogan is enough in itself. Behind it, there must be the will and the manpowerto spread it, and this is where teamwork comes in, as a PR management team. Theteam must also understand enough of said intended recipients to adequatelytailor the messages to their likes and dislikes, their expectations and theirviews. At the same time, and quite aside from personal disagreements, the teammust have found a good modus operandi, so as to avoid conflicts sapping theirenergy in a crucial, electoral phase; more importantly, in a political context,it is important for team members to truly rally to a cause that declines itselfin terms of ideals and stances.
And ofcourse all of this must successfully be communicated to the intendedrecipients, with as few alterations and corruptions as possible.
However,contrary to the business world, the political consequences of ECo-C relatedknowledge are very cut-and-dried: either one masters the topics well and thushas a chance of convincing the electorate or one does not and needs to.