05.09.2010 23:59
In an earlier article, we analyzed the potential the ECo-C would have, if it were to take root in Poland. At the time, a short perusal of that market’s structural difficulties and its needs made it seem as though the establishment of a certificate like the ECo-C would be a step in the right direction.
As illustrated by the picture attached to this article, that step has now been taken. As of Wednesday, the 1st of September 2010, the ECo-C’s Polish branch is a reality and a fact. That does not mean that the people are already taking the ECo-C in Poland; much as one might wish to increase his or her chances on the job market, there is still some work to be done before the ECo-C can help toaddress the needs in adult education that the National Action Plan For Employment 2008 pointed out for Poland.
Nevertheless, the signature of the agreement is important because it signifies the entry into this specific implementation phase. As of now, ECo-C Poland is a legal entity and, as any good businessman knows, a legal entity is a sine qua non condition of actually doing business.
For the newly created ECo-C Poland, “doing business” means acting as an interface between IPKeurope and local organizations, including training centres. As ECo-C Poland representative it will promote the certificate in the domestic market.
On the whole, the polish partners have their work cut out for them: in the upcoming months, they will be setting up, training the team, identifying training centres that can meet the stringent standards laid down in the quality assurance mechanism, translating the course materials and other supporting documents, and work closely with IPKeurope and ECo-C Europe to ensure a seamless transfer of expertise by Launching Day.
And as for the Launching Day itself? Rumour has it that it is set for the next Communication Day: the 5th of March 2011.
Pictured: Leopold Kaiblinger, Karina Kaiblinger,Wojciech Ostromecki, Horst Ortmann