12.05.2010 01:00
At regular intervals,IPKeurope hosts “Eco-C Erlebnis Days”: these are public eventscovering one specific topic, showcasing an atypical perspective on interestingEco-C related issues. The headline of these events, which are regularlyattended by representatives from renowned Austrian businesses, is a crystalclear indication of its nature and serves to set the tone for the activitiesthat fill these days.
Asany good speaker knows, every word has two sides to it: objective, andsubjective or implied. The former is simple and straightforward, and couldsimply be summed down to the first three definitions offered by a dictionary.However, the second, which is personal, contextual, and altogether subject tothe whims of speaking and listening, introduces a healthy dose of uncertaintyto the simple search for understanding. And that is why the name of theseevents cannot be translated into English: “Erlebnis“ becomes “Experience“, andis thus reduced to a learning process, only useful for a recruiter to determineone’s skills, or a manager wishing to know who to assign to a task. But the ECo-CErlebnis days were more than that.
TheGerman term “Erlebnis” comes from “leben”, which means “to live”. It thus impliesan experience that reaches and holds the attention of the mind and senses,encompassing every corner of one’s awareness in a rich, satisfying way. An Erlebnis is remembered with fondness andpride, as a learning experience and more.
“More” isexactly what happened on the premises of the IPKeurope in Vienna, onthe 21st of April 2010. The registered attendees of the ECo-C Erlebnisday had the opportunity to test one of the Eco-C’s most innovative teaching materials,the Eco-C E-learning centre, on a new device, described by its creator SteveJobs, as “magical and revolutionary”: the ipad.
Althoughthe item itself is not yet sold in Austria where the event took place, it is asimple fact that when it is, the E-learning centre / ipad combination will be amatch made in a communicator’s heaven. Again according to Steve Jobs, the ipadconcept was launched as something of a cross between the iphone, theultraportable ebook, and e-readers like Kindle. It is, in short, the very nexusof portability, connectivity and readability. And, as it happens, these areprecisely the characteristics that Eco-C students, teachers, and fans wouldappreciate the most: the possibility to access the e-Learning centre on the go,in relative comfort, and further one’s expertise without straining either one’seyes, or one’s back, is of truly priceless value.
Please contact your Eco-C Training Centrefor information on scheduled Erlebnis Days.
A list of licensed Eco-C Training Centresin Austria may be found HERE.