Announcing: ECo-C Top Five

25.02.2011 11:47

It is telling when an organisation endowsitself with the ability to create organised lists of things. Where the top itemis ranked #1 and considered to be the „best“, while #25487981 is widelyperceived as the „worst“, there is an intention at work, and this intention isthe will to assess, to know, and to evaluate quality according to a list ofspecific criteria.

Accordingly, then, it becomes possible toreward „the best“ and encourage everyone else to live up to that standard. Inmany systems, and indeed, in many mainstream education systems, teacherassessment is insufficient; graduates are practically guaranteed a position onthe basis of some long-ago exam, whose results have decreased in relevance astime went by. Consequently, students can end up being taught by unsuitableteachers, and teachers themselves lose track of modern teaching methods, aswell as of the expectations.

That is, in some systems. Because for systemslike the ECo-C, for which quality assurance is such a critical, constituentpart, it cannot happen. Stringent examination standards can combine withpositive reinforcement, through showcasing the best examples of successfultuition, to ensure that the ECo-C Certified trainers remain the cutting edge oftheir profession. To the extent where ECo-C trainers are prepared for theirrole and tested for suitability, they can and later have been the subject ofassessment by the participants, who are called upon to voice an opinion on thequality of the training they received.

 This is exactly what the AustrianECo-C has got planned to commemorate the 2011 International Day ofCommunication, March 5th: an award ceremony, where, among the five trainers whohave received the best performance assessment from course participants, onewill be distinguished with the Trainer of the Year Award.

We at would like to wish thecandidates the best of luck in the process, and to highlight that they havealready achieved well by being on the top 5 list. There might be better thanthem. But they are already very good.

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