A Match Made in Heaven?

05.08.2010 01:00

tl_files/news_eu/logo_eckertschulen.jpgThe launch of the ECo-C in new countriesis an auspicious event, because it indicates that the programme is, asmentioned last week, fulfilling its purpose and scope as a high-qualitycertificate meant to attest to the possession of a very specific skill set. Andyet, countries are a very general frame of operation, symbols, albeit symbolsof great significance and with their own role to play; in practice, it is inthe training centres, the instituts d’études, the Schulungscenter,the vzdelávacie inštitúcie that the ECo-C will be taught and discovered.

Germany’s Eckert Schulen, whichaccording to recent reports have just decided to offer ECo-C certification andtraining), are an umbrella for many such, to the point where it would seem somewhatinsufficient to refer to them as a single “training centre”. With its 29locations, including one completely dedicated independent campus, thisorganisation is actually a staple institution for further education in BavariaandGermany in general. In fact the offerings ofEckert Schulen include four bachelor programs and two masters’, in addition toan extensive range of skills and other certificates.

Aside from the great boost that such apairing is set to give the ECo-C in Germany, observers would immediately notethat this has great potential for mutual success; aconclusion which can easily be drawn from observing similarities between thephilosophies of Eckert and the purposes and practices of the ECo-C.

In practical terms, the ECo-C defends andenforces its commitment to high-quality training through its very specific andstringent quality assurance system, which has been there since thecertificate’s inception. In turn, this is echoed by Eckert, which became ISOcertified in 2005. However, the true patents of nobility of that organisationcame much earlier: For instance, when the Eckert Academy wasrecognised as an institution with a social purpose in 1979, or when thefounder, Dr. Robert Eckert, was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the Republicof Germany, in 1983; both of these distinctions show that even then, theinstitution demonstrated excellence, and usefulness, traits which we believe itshares with the ECo-C, cementing their association.

In abstract terms, the schools considertheir priorities to be “Concentration and job training”, “Orientation in thelabour market”, “Seriousness”, “Continuity and Innovation”, “Economy andEfficiency” as well as “Respect”. By being a certificate offered toprofessionals wishing to increase their chancesin the labour market as well as their abilities when working in a team, theECo-C also maximizes returns for their companies, thus hitting all thoseproverbial nails squarely on the head.

Which leads us to ask the question thatheadlines our article: ECo-C & Eckert Schulen... a Match Made in Heaven?

 Pictured: Alexandra Ott-Kroner (Prokuristin undFachbereichsleitung Fernlehrgangsentwicklung, Fernlehrinstitut Dr. RobertEckert GmbH), Walter Hönig (Geschäftsführer, Fernlehrinstitut Dr. Robert EckertGmbH), Karina Kaiblinger (International coordinator ECo-C Europe).

Alexandra Ott-Kroner, Walter Hönig, Karina Kaiblinger.

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