- ECo-C International
- Overview
- ECo-C TrainingCenter
- ECo-C Social
- Oasis of Life Uganda
- Service
We, 3 motivated students fromAustria and Germany, started a support project for an orphanage (“Oasis ofLife”) in February 2010 with the aim of sustainable, mid-term help in orderto help themselves: planning, raising funds, teaching and eventuallyimplementing small-scale agricultural projects (such as a chicken farm,gardening, cows) – which we started in summer 2010 in Kampala by constructing achicken farm. During our stay in Uganda, we learned that even difficultsituations can get improved with small budgets. The following sums up thesituation of this ambitious orphanage which we found cut off from almost allsupporting networks.
One church, one shelter(meanwhile a very basic school), 63 orphans and two pastors. Five unpaidcaretakers and one elementary teacher. No running water, no electricity,normally hardly any food for several days. But at least enough space availablein the garden and several helping hands around. The reverends, Mr. HenryNsubuga and Mr. Robert Kachina, founded “Oasis of Life” officially inMarch 2001 to offer ~ 50 children a regular place to sleep. For 10 long yearsthey were grappling with a more stable endowment for their children, who hadlost everything and had little perspectives for their future. Together with thehelp of some friends, private donors, and local organisations we managed to setup a proper project in summer 2010.
Their new chicken farm, aproper website, professional training etc. should enable them to get connectedwith other local support organisations, donors and volunteers. Breedingchicken, selling their eggs and manufacturing handcrafts will secure someincome for food, school fees and sanitation bills. The generous donation of ECo-Cin fall 2010 (€ 2000.-) helped us to buy more young chicks, feed and also foodfor the starving children in Kampala for a couple of months.
However, there is space leftmore many more chicken, our children still eat every day the same (if availableat all), and school fees are usually not paid. A small contribution caneffectively change and save one or several lives (with a donation of € 10.-they can buy a mosquito net), by offering a perspective to break out from thevicious cycle of poverty.
For further information pleasevisit also: http://breedingopportunities.org/
Donations Account:
ChickenFarm Uganda
Account-N° (BAWAG): 01910821195
Bank Code: 14000
IBAN: AT061400 0019 1082 1195
Project Team:
Pastor Robert Kachina (Project Secretary):
Robert is the main caretaker at Oasis of Life. He works every day from7am -10pm without salary nor weekends in order to improve the situation of thechildren. Robert is always around, knows everything and is incredibly committed.
Oasis of Life Orphanage
P.O BOX 28 Natete, Kampala, Uganda
Office: + 256 752422318
Office: 256 782757906
Miriam Ebner
Miriam Ebner studied International Development in Vienna and Berlin. Forher graduation studies, she conducted research in Uganda for several months.She works currently for children homes in Bucharest, Romania:Miriam.Ebner@gmail.com
Johannes Waldmüller
Studied International Development and Philosophy in Vienna, Berlin andLausanne. He works currently on his PhD in Development Studies at the Institutde Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement (IHEID), in Geneva:Johannes.Waldmuller@graduateinstitute.ch