ECo-C Social
In a world full of information you cannot not communicate. ...ECo-C as an independent initiative is supporting people in strengthening their personal and communication competencies - with the aim to offer them perspectives and to increase their chances on the labour market.
Further to that the ECo-C initiative sees it as its responsibility to support projects which aim to offer people perspectives and increase their quality of life. We'd like to thank our umbrella organsiation IPKeurope for giving us the possibility to establish the ECo-C Social initiative.
ECo-C Social is looking for organisations and projects which are doing charity work, development work - in short: which are offering perspectives to people and increasing their chances in life. Once organisations and projects are found the ECo-C Social Team gets in touch with the people and discusses possibilites of support. One way to support organisations and projects is to make their existence visible to a broad public in order to open up new vistas and to create new synergies.
In a world full of information we cannot not communicate. Communicate with us, with the initiators of the projects presented on the following pages when you'd like to support them as well.